Renew or activate signature

Electronic signature activation

How to activate NEW
Certum's electronic signature?

Activate a Signature

Electronic signature renewal

Renewal of Certum's e-signature
step by step

Renew a Signature

What are the requirements for the process?

  1. Internet access (on-line)
  2. device with access to a camera

Run the process on a device with internet access. Process works on the following operating systems and browsers

Desktop (Computer or laptop)

  • Chrome from v.53
  • Mozilla Firefox from v.69

    Note: We do not recommend running the process on Internet Explorer, EDGE and Opera

Mobile device (smartphone or tablet with camera access)

a) Android system:

  • Chrome 53
  • Mozzila Firefox 49

NOTE: We do not recommend using the Android system browser

b) iOS system

  • Safari from v.11

NOTE: The process does not work on Chrome browser on iOS.

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